Tarotmancing the Divine at Templehearth 2025

I'm so pleased to be a presenter once again for Templehearth hosted by the Temple of Witchcraft. The is Templehearth's 5th anniversary as an online weekend festival of spiritual lectures, workshops, rituals, discussion panels, a bardic circle and more! I feel deeply humbled and honoured to present among such a wonderful group, many of whom are mentors and teachers for me!
There's still time to register! I runs from Friday January 31st to February 2nd 2025. Note that the schedule is posted in CENTRAL time not Eastern time! If you are on EST, show up an hour earlier!
And if you've read this far, I've got Free Bonus Materials you can download from my shop until March 30, 2025!
Here's what I will be presenting on Saturday morning:
Tarotmancing The Divine: Gateways into the Mystery School of Tarot
Have you ever felt intimidated by the tarot or struggled to learn the cards and their meanings? Would you like to have a deep, meaningful, and magickal relationship with your cards? You’re not alone! Perhaps the reason why it is hard for some people to access the magick of the tarot is because it’s like a magickal mystery school! The secrets are on the cards in plain sight yet remain hidden for the uninitiated. In this workshop we’ll explore various gateways that can act as access points to enter the mysteries of the tarot! Some topics will include:
- increasing our visual literacy
- elemental gateways to the tarot
- working with the divine spirits of the tarot
- unique ways to work with the tarot to deepen any spiritual or magickal practice
and much more!
Grab a beverage and some cards and let’s enter the mysteries together!
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