The Black Cat Rescue Project is Coming Back!

After a very sucessful campaign in 2021 to raise funds and awareness for The Upper Credit Humane Society in 2022, the project was temporarily halted in 2023 when post-covid inflation caused the price of supplies to double! You heard that right DOUBLE! This unexpected shock meant that more time was needed to raise funds for enough supplies to make the project worthwhile.
Nevertheless, I'm pleased to say that the project will be back up and running in 2024 and it's going to be the best year yet. Not only will I be featuring my spooky upcycled candles, but I'll be adding some jewelry plus black cat inspired handmade goodies by generous people in our local community.
Watch for updates on this project as we hope to bring awareness and much needed funds to help our most vulnerable feline friends. Once again, the InSpirit Centre in Georgetown has graciously offered to sell the Black Cats Rescue Candles and Products which will be on sale October 1st to 31st 2024
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