A Night of Magick Workshop Series Arrives!

The InSpirit Centre in Georgetown (where I basically live), and The Mystic Tree in Burlington Ontario have teamed up to bring some exciting workshops and rituals to the community hosted by yours truly! After I presented a well received Candle Magick workshop held at The Mystic Tree in March, Alison Bajonas owner of The Mystic Tree and myself have planned several more workshops and public rituals to serve our local communities in Halton Hills Ontario. Event details and available links will continue to be posted on this platform. If you are local and looking for affordable and engaging in-person workshops and rituals, be sure to check us out!
This Thursday April 11, 2024 will feature my next workshop in the Night of Magick Series on Creating Altars and Sacred Spaces. This will be an experiential approach as we practice energy cleansing, creating sacred space, and lovingly ransacking Alison's shop to create the altar of our dreams!
The workshop will be held at The Mystic Tree 13-5353 Lakeshore Rd. in Burlington Ontario from 7pm to 9pm. Cost is $40 cash. All handouts and supplies will be included. Dress comfortably and bring a beverage if you like.
Please note this workshop will employ the use of incense and fragrant sprays.
(Photo on the left with artwork courtesy of Barbara Ford, owner of InSpirit Centre. Photo on the right of Alison Bajonas, owner of the Mystic Tree).
To register, call The Mystic Tree directly at 905-630-6042
Blessed Be!
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